Thursday, July 26, 2007

Worries of a Mother

When we came back from Orlando, I was ready to take care of things that I needed to do before school starts. Such tasks as buying school supplies, new school uniforms, paying bills, cleaning house and all that entails after a week long vacation. However, I couldn't have expected what I was going to find out in the coming days about my Charlie Brown.

About five days ago, I noticed that Charlie was coming down with something. It started with a regular cough and then he couldn't stop coughing at night. He began complaining about his throat and some chest pains. I gave him over the counter medicine but nothing seemed to cure his long acting cough. As any Mother would, I took him to the doctor so that he could tell me what Charlie had. What I thought was a normal cough turned out to be something else. In the end, the doctor said his chest was congested and his airways were blocked. He said he had symptoms of Asthma and most probably developed these symptoms from the recent changes in the weather(from Orlando and Laredo). He is currently on the Nebulizer (Xopanex) and two other medications.

I have to admit that news like these tend to scare me. The doctor informed me that kids are easily suceptable to these types of illnesses. He assured me that he would outgrow this overtime. I certainly hope so.

Since Charlie has been taking his medications, he has been doing very well. He has a doctor's appointment on Friday for a check-up.

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